Enhancing lighting efficiency is one of the easiest ways to lower energy bills. When planning or replacing lighting, consider the types of lights, the location, the lighting conditions, the appropriate lamp technology, the correct control systems, and other components of a commercial lighting system.
Here are few tips for optimizing the lighting of your business while reducing your electric costs.
u Replace incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent lighting indoors and outdoors. CFL is almost four times as efficient as incandescent bulbs and lasts about 12 times longer
u For outdoor lights, use a timer or photocell so they turn off automatically during the daylight hours
u For indoor lights, adjust lighting levels to your needs with three-way lamps, dimmer switches for overhead lights, and task lighting
u Use 4-foot fluorescent fixtures with T5 or T8 lights with reflective backing on the fixture and electronic ballasts
u Take advantage of natural light by placing work areas near windows
u Install occupancy sensors, so lights go off automatically in unoccupied rooms
Below we have 3 types of lamps that are differentiated depending on their size: 0.6 and 1.2m and depending on the quality of light, in cool day or cool white.
They go set with adaptor Ecolight as we see below or if it is desirable exists also the possibility of acquisition separately (without adaptor, only lamp, or only adaptor).
Also there is the starter "Eco-starter" which is responsible for the lamp start.