Air Curtains
Air Curtains serve as a boundary between indoor and outdoor area. They act as a closed door and prevent intrusion of external hot, cold or impure air. They are designed to maintain required room climate and to save energy. All units come either as Simple or Heated (Electrically or with Hot Water) and most of them can also stand vertically, if ordered in advance. Additionally most of the units incorporate filters for cleaning the supplied air.
Αircurtains stand out for Slim design, simple mounting, high durability and powerful airflow. Most widespread is the classification of air curtains by the size of protected opening and installation type.

Commercial Air Curtains
Commercial Air Curtains are slim, aesthetic units designed to be functional and able to be installed in small entrances in:
Commercial air curtains range from 1 up to 2 meters long and are suitable for openings up to 2.5 meters high. They can satisfy most customer demand by varying from Simple, Electrically Heated or Hot Water Heated models .
Different types are:
- Left-right motor side air curtains (L,R)
- Central side motor air curtains (K)
General Purpose Air Curtains
General purpose Air Curtains are designed to be positioned in larger areas such as Super markets, Hospitals, Hotel Lobbys, Train Stations etc.
General Purpose air curtains range from 1 up to 2 meters long and are suitable for openings up to 4 meters high . They come as either Simple, Electrically Heated, Hot Water Heated or even for Hot & Cold Water connection .
Different categories are:
- Left-right motor side air curtains (L,R)
- Central side motor air curtains (K)
- Recessed air curtains (RS)