The Rosenberg Ventilatoren GmbH has established itself as one of the leading companies in air technology since its founding more than 30 years ago.
In TEPSE S.A. We can equip, and inform you about any of the following application areas:
Centrifugal fans
Single and double inlet radial fans are equipped with an external rotor motor an they are 100 % steplessly voltage controllable. For installation in duct systems i.e. ventilation of commercial and industrial builldings

Roof fan
Roof fans equipped with an external rotor
motor and they are 100 % steplessly voltage
controllable. For central air extraction of residential, commercial
and industrial buildings.

Tube Fans
Tube fans are equipped with an external rotor motor and they are 100 % steplessly voltage controllable. The Tube fans of the RS-range sizes RS100L to RS315L are supplied with plastic casings. The Range fans of the sizes R100 to R400 are supplied in metal casings, epoxy coated in RAL7032 (grey).
For ventilation of residential, commercial and industrial buildings

In line duct fans
In line duct fans are 100 % steplessly voltage
controllable. For installation in duct systems i.e. ventilation of commercial and industrial builldings

Unobox & Z-box
Equipped with an external rotor
motor and they are 100 % steplessly voltage controllable.
For ventilation of residential, commercial and industrial buildings
Kitchen exaust unit KBA
Exhaust Air Unit with double- walled housing
The casing comprises of a double skinned galvanized steel encapsulating a nonflammable rock wool acoustic and and moisture insulation. The motor and impeller are mounted on a hinged access door to facilitate easy access for inspection and cleaning. To the drive 100 % steplessly voltage controllable external rotor motors in IP 54 protected, insulating class F, equipped with a thermal contact and / or IEC- standard motors B5 construction, IP 55 protected, insulating class F equipped with a thermal contact as well. The fan unit can be swing out and therefore the unit can easily be accessed for cleaning.

Εξοπλισμένοι με εξωτερικό ρότορα και 100% ελεγχόμενη τάση. Εάν οι πτερωτές των κινητήρων κινούνται από τριφασικό κινητήρα εξωτερικού ρότορα, μπορούν να λειτουργούν αδιαβάθμητα με την χρήση μετατροπέα
Για χρήση σε συστήματα AHU και καθαρισμού χωρου